I’m a Computer Science student from Barcelona with interests in embedded devices, hardware hacking, security and cryptography among others.
I’ve been using Linux for nearly 10 years and tried some *BSD along the way. The main programming languages I use are C, python and lately Go. I enjoy learning about new programming languages and stuff in general.
- My github: https://github.com/Dhole
- My email: dhole at posteo dot net
Get my PGP public key at dhole.asc or http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4FA457A18514CC63
PGP Fingerprint:
pub rsa4096/0x4FA457A18514CC63 2015-01-25 [SCA] [expires: 2019-07-18]
Key fingerprint = 9BC4 8EF8 08DB 91DD 158D 559D 4FA4 57A1 8514 CC63
uid [ultimate] Dhole <dhole at posteo dot net>
sub rsa4096/0xCB8DED02C125274B 2015-01-25 [E] [expires: 2019-07-18]